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August 2024 Trestleboard

From the East

Master Square By: Worshipful Lynn R. Wallingford, PM
Lynn R. Wallingford, PM

Greetings Brethren and Friends, In June, we held our first Bowling With the Brothers event for the year in Simi Valley. Fifteen brothers, family, and other quests turned out. It was a lot of fun. The lodge is considering another event this Fall. We raised Brother Nierenberg to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Congratulations on reaching this milestone in your Masonic career. Our annual festive board was a big success, with our largest gathering ever. 

In July, we completed our diaper bank drive by turning over a table full of baby products to the Conejo Community Outreach Diaper Bank. They were very pleased with our donations. Thanks to everyone who donated. We also initiated Brother Saghir. Welcome to the fraternity. Several members of our lodge attended the Los Angeles Masonic Service Bureau’s annual breakfast honoring the Grand Master. Finally, the lodge supported the annual Christmas in July fundraising event held by Conejo Valley Chapter #632, Order of the Eastern Star. It was a huge success.

August will be the completion of our food bank collections. Please remember to bring your canned goods donations to the stated meeting. August is also the start of our Public Schools Awareness Month collection of school supplies. That collection drive will complete in September. Other activities in August will include a reception for Sister Rose Anne Cooley, Grand Ruth of the Grand Chapter of California, Order of the Eastern Star, on August 10th, supporting the Wings Over Camarillo air show over the weekend of August 17th and 18th, the mini golf tournament on August 24th, and finally, the Past Master’s BBQ also on August 24th. 

Flyers for all events will be included in the usual weekly email blasts. As always, please check out the Masonic Family Calendar of events on our website,, for details on all regular meetings and special events. 

From the West

Wardens Level By: William S. Aitchison
William S. Aitchison

Hi Brethren,
This month I wanted to talk about our Masonic values, these values are the best qualities of a just and upright Mason.

  • Integrity: We are expected to uphold the highest standards of honesty and moral principles. Integrity is key to our character and actions.
  • Brotherhood: The sense of fellowship that unites us is strong. We support each other and work together for the common good, fostering deep and lasting bonds.
  • Charity: We are known for our commitment to philanthropy and helping others. Charity, both in thought and action, is a cornerstone of Masonic practice.
  • Wisdom: We value knowledge, learning, and the pursuit of wisdom. We seek to better ourselves intellectually as well as spiritually.
  • Tolerance: Respect for different beliefs, cultures, and perspectives is fundamental in Masonry. We practice tolerance and understanding toward others.
  • Self-Improvement: We as Masons are dedicated to personal growth & self-improvement. We strive to be better men, not just for ourselves, but also for our family, friends, and communities.
  • Secrecy and Discretion: We are known for our ability to keep confidences and respect the privacy of others. Discretion is a valued trait.
  • Respect for Tradition: We have a rich history and respect for traditions and rituals that have been passed down through centuries.
  • Leadership: We often hold leadership roles in our communities and work to inspire others by example.
  • Justice: Fairness and equity are central to our Masonic values. We strive to act justly and to stand up for what is right.

Thank you for your time

From the South

Wardens Plumb By: Jeremy A. Dreaden
Jeremy A. Dreaden

Worshipful Sirs and Brethren,

Greetings from the South. We have had a busy year so far and are over halfway through this Masonic Year. We have conducted multiple initiations and welcomed new Brothers into the Craft and our Lodge. We are now in the qualification season for 2025 Officers. If your cable-tow permits, would love to see more Brothers come out and support next year’s Officers performing their work.  

Masonic Family Calendar

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