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May 2024 Trestleboard

From the East

Master Square By: Worshipful Lynn R. Wallingford, PM
Lynn R. Wallingford, PM

April was a very busy and successful month for the lodge. We hosted our first movie night of the year. The feature was “National Treasure.” The event was well attended. Lodge members attended the youth group breakfast and the homecoming event for the Grand Worthy Advisor Ella H. We initiated Brother Cohen and passed Brother Armstrong.

May is the start of our season of public service and awareness. We will be collecting disposable diapers and baby wipes in support of the Conejo Community Outreach Diaper Bank to be presented at the July stated meeting. May is also the kickoff for this year’s Masons4Mitts fundraising campaign.

In June, we will start collecting donations for a local food bank. Also in June, there will be a fun Bowling With the Brothers event on Saturday, the 15th. One of the major social events for the year will be our 28th Annual Festive Board, with the Grand Master of Masons as our featured speaker on Tuesday, the 25th. This event usually sells out, so make your reservations early to ensure that you get a seat at the table.

Flyers for all events will be included in the usual weekly email blasts. As always, please check out the Masonic Family Calendar of Events on our website,, for details on all regular meetings and special events.

From the West

Wardens Level By: William S. Aitchison
William S. Aitchison

What is a Senior Warden?

The Senior Warden of a Masonic Lodge is the second in command in the line of Lodge Officers. The Senior Warden symbolically sits in the West, which represents of the setting sun at the close of a day. It is the duty of the Senior Warden to assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the Lodge. The Jewel of this station is the Level, which symbolizes that all Masons meet on the level, without regard to societal, political, personal, or religious beliefs or status.

Symbolically, the Senior Warden is also responsible for paying the Craft their wages and to handle disputes among the Brethren. This alludes to ancient Masonic customs, where the Senior Warden was responsible for the disbursement of funds to the members of the stone mason's guide. As the Senior Warden, it is their duty to assist the Master in his endeavors and to prepare themselves to sit in the East the following year. Finally, in the absence of the Master, the Senior Warden assumes the Worshipful Master’s duties until his return.

From the South

Wardens Plumb By: Jeremy A. Dreaden
Jeremy A. Dreaden

Brethren, we initiated a Brother and Passed another Brother in April and had a fun, family movie night. Please come out and see the great things taking place in the lodge as we continue to promote friendship and brotherly love with all of the events we have planned. May will have some time designated for next year's Officers to work on their ritual and we could have a Raising, so come out and support when your cable tow permits. 

Masonic Family Calendar

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