We are near the half way point of this calendar year, with half the year to reflect and look back on, while on and the other half to look forward to in the future. This month, the Grand Lodge of California proclaimed the month of July as a month for Freemasons to remember, support, and honor our Masonic Veterans.
Many might be surprised to know how many of the Brothers of Conejo Valley Lodge and in our Masonic fraternity in general have served in United States Military, but suffice it to say there is probably more than one might think. Although there might never be a post, page, or article that could every truly express our deepest and enduring gratitude for those that have served our country, on behalf of all the Brothers of Conejo Valley Lodge we hope that you will accept our most sincere appreciation for all of your service.
To the Brothers of Conejo Valley Lodge, please find time to thank our Masonic Veterans in a way that is most comfortable for you. For some this might be saying thank you with a handshake, taking them out to dinner, calling them to say thank you and catch-up, or making a donation. There are so many ways you can thank our Masonic Veterans, just remember to do it!
Although it’s some times hard to find the right words to thank our Masonic Veterans, making time for our Brothers who dedicated years of their lives to serve our country is but the least we can do. Let’s remember to honor our Masonic Veterans this month and always, to thank them for all they do and have done!
Let’s honor our military,
The men and women who serve,
Whose dedication to our country
Does not falter, halt or swerve.
Let’s respect them for their courage;
They’re ready to do what’s right
To keep America safe,
So we can sleep better at night.
Let’s support and defend our soldiers,
Whose hardships are brutal and cruel,
Whose discipline we can’t imagine,
Who follow each order and rule.
Here’s to those who choose to be warriors
And their helpers good and true;
They’re fighting for American values;
They’re fighting for me and you.