On January 7th, 2023 at 3PM, Conejo Valley Lodge held it's 63rd Annual Installation of Officers at the Conejo Valley Masonic Center. Arthur Weiss, PGM, presided over the Installation as the Master of Ceremonies, with David Doan, PGM, the Installing Officer, and Lynn Wallingford, PM, as the Installing Chaplain. The following Brothers regularly installed in the following positions for the Masonic Year:
Master: Steven A. Wolvek, PM
Senior Warden: Brien S. Lynch, PM
Junior Warden: William S. Aitchison
Treasurer: Scott D. Spiegel, PM
Secretary: Stephen M. Wurtzel
Chaplain: Mario A. Arias-Davison
Assistant Secretary: Steven R. Hood, PM
Senior Deacon: Jermey A. Dreaden
Junior Deacon: Kimaili K. Davis
Marshall: Raymond Chang
Senior Steward: Tanner J. Wheatley
Junior Steward: Eric P. Pedersen
Tiler: Bruce Ewald, PM
Officers' Coach: Steven R. Hood, PM
In regular fashion, the Master made his first address to the Lodge, followed by presentations, family photos, and the passing of the guard, where the Pillar Officer's pass their pins onto their successors. This includes a special presentation where the newest Past Master, Steven Hood, to the Lodge is presented with a certificate, Past Master's Apron, chain necklace, and oversized gavel with the names of all of the previous Past Masters of the Lodge from their predecessor, Brien Lynch.